Grandão Joe Mufferaw

Big Joe Mufferaw

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe

Joe Mufferaw
Mufferaw Joe

Grandão Joe Mufferaw remou até Addawa
Big Joe Mufferaw paddled in to Addawa

Vindo de Ottawa em um só dia, Ei, Ei
All the way from Ottawa just one day, Hey, Hey

No rio Ottawa, o melhor homem que já vimos
On the river Ottawa the best man we ever saw

Era o Grandão Joe Mufferaw, dizem os mais velhos
Was Big Joe Mufferaw the old folks say

Vem e escuta, vou te contar o que os mais velhos dizem
Come an' listen I'll tell ya what the old folks say

E eles dizem que o Grandão Joe tinha um sapo de estimação
And they say Big Joe had an old pet frog

Maior que um cavalo e latia como um cachorro
Bigger than a horse an' he barked like a dog

E a única coisa mais rápida que um trem nos trilhos
And the only thing quicker than a train upon a track

Era o Grandão Joe montado nas costas do sapo
Was Big Jow ridin' on the bullfrog's back

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

E dizem que o Grandão Joe ficava bem molhado
An' they say Big Joe used to get real wet

Cortando madeira e suando pra caramba
From cuttin' down timber and workin' up a sweat

E todo mundo vai te contar lá em Carlton Place
An' everyone will tell ya around Carlton Place

Que a Mississippi escorria do rosto do Grandão Joe
The Mississippi dripped off Big Joe's face

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

Agora, Joe teve que fazer a travessia de Gatineau
Now Joe had to portage from the Gateneau down

Pra ver uma garotinha que ele tinha em Kemptville
To see a little girl he had in Kemptville town

Ele foi e voltou tantas vezes pra ver a menina
He was back and forth some many times to see that gal

Que o caminho que ele fez virou o Canal Redeau
The path he wore became the Redeau Canal

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

Grandão Joe Mufferaw remou até Addawa
Big Joe Mufferaw paddled in to Addawa

Vindo de Ottawa em um só dia, Ei, Ei
All the way from Ottawa just one day, Hey, Hey

No rio Ottawa, o melhor homem que já vimos
On the river Ottawa the best man we ever saw

Era o Grandão Joe Mufferaw, dizem os mais velhos
Was Big Joe Mufferaw the old folks say

Vem e escuta, vou te contar o que os mais velhos dizem
Come an' listen I'll tell ya what the old folks say

E eles dizem que o Grandão Joe apagou um incêndio florestal
An' they say Big Joe put out a forest fire

No meio do caminho entre Renthrew e o velho Arnprior
Halfway between Renthrew and ol' Arnprior

Ele estava a cinquenta milhas de distância, lá em Smith Falls
He was fifty miles away down around Smith Falls

Mas apagou o fogo com cinco bolinhas de saliva
But he drowned out the fire with five spit balls

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

Bem, ele pulou no lago Calabogy rapidinho
Well he jumped in the Calabogy lake real fast

Nadou de um lado pro outro pra pegar um peixe vesgo
He swam both ways to catch a cross eyed bass

Mas jogou no chão e disse "Não posso comer isso"
But he threw in on the ground and said "I can't eat that"

Então cobriu com o monte São Pat
So he covered it over with mount Saint Pat

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

E dizem que o Grandão Joe tomou um balde de gin
An' they say Big Joe drank a bucket of Gin

E espancou a vida fora de vinte e nove homens
And he beat the livin' tar outta twenty-nine men

E lá no teto do pub de Pembrook
And high on the ceiling of the Pembrook pub

Tem vinte e nove marcas de bota, todas assinadas com amor
There's twenty-nine boot marks and they're signed with love

Heave hi, heave hi ho
Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

Grandão Joe Mufferaw remou até Addawa
Big Joe Mufferaw paddled in to Addawa

Vindo de Ottawa em um só dia, Ei, Ei
All the way from Ottawa just one day, Hey, Hey

No rio Ottawa, o melhor homem que já vimos
On the river Ottawa the best man we ever saw

Era o Grandão Joe Mufferaw, dizem os mais velhos
Was Big Joe Mufferaw the old folks say

Vem e escuta, vou te contar o que os mais velhos dizem
Come an' listen I'll tell ya what the old folks say

Eles dizem Heave hi, heave hi ho
They say Heave hi, heave hi ho

O melhor homem em Ottawa era o Joe Mufferaw, Joe Mufferaw
The best man in Ottawa was Mufferaw Joe, Mufferaw Joe

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.