Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe | Magnolia Days (2024)

By: Author Renee

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Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe | Magnolia Days (1)

Bubbles have been quite underutilized lately. It spent most of its days chilling in the refrigerator. Every now and then it needed to be fed and would sit on the counter while munching on flour and water. Part of it would be wastefully discarded in the feeding process. There is no one to blame for that waste except me. This week it was put to good use. Bubbles became a part of cheddar jalapeno sourdough bread.

Bubbles are my sourdough starter. (If you didn’t figure that out already). I gave it a name after many years of feeding. Soon it will be 8 years old. It’s a real commitment and one I am determined to continue. The reward of tasting bread with that wonderful sourdough flavor is worth it all. This time I mixed in fresh jalapeño slices and grated sharp cheddar cheese. I used my base sourdough French bread recipe and baked it in loaf pans. Those pans gave it the right shape for sandwich slices.

Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe | Magnolia Days (2)

The jalapeño and cheddar flavors are subtle. One flavor does not overpower the others. Georgia sourdough is much milder than that of the west coast and San Francisco. A cup of sharp cheddar cheese and a few small jalapeños did the trick. Part of the cheese and peppers are mixed in while kneading. The rest are sprinkled out over the dough before rolling and shaping into loaves. The bit of pepper in each slice gives a nice kick of heat to the cheese bread.

Which flavors do you like in sourdough bread? Bubbles will need to be utilized again. Plus there will be more Twelve Loaves challenges. You can help inspire me in a baking adventure. Leave your ideas in the comments below.

The Twelve Loaves Challenge for August is savory bread.Take a look at what the talented bakers made for the challenge:

Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe | Magnolia Days (3)

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A recipe for cheddar jalapeño bread made with sourdough starter, fresh jalapeño peppers, and grated cheddar cheese. It is great for sandwiches or with soup.



Prep Time 20 minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes

Total Time 50 minutes

Author Renee


  • 1package active dry yeast1/4 ounce
  • 1cupwarm water
  • 3 1/2to 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2cupssourdough starter at room temperature
  • 1tablespoonsugar
  • 2teaspoonssalt
  • 2to 3 fresh jalapeno pepperssliced
  • 1cupgrated cheddar cheese


  1. Grease a large bowl. Lightly grease two 9- X 5-inch loaf pans.

  2. In the bowl of a stand mixer, dissolve yeast in warm water (110° to 115°) and let sit for 5 minutes. Make sure the yeast blooms (small bubbles form).

  3. Add 2 cups of flour, starter, sugar, and salt. Stir together using the flat beater on a low speed.

  4. Change flat beater to a dough hook. Add flour 1/2 cup at a time until you have a firm dough and the bowl is “clean” (dough has pulled in all the flour).

  5. Continue kneading with dough hook for about 5 minutes. Put dough on a lightly floured surface and knead by hand a few times to make sure it is smooth and elastic. Add in some of the jalapeno slices and cheese while kneading.

  6. Shape into a ball. Place in the greased bowl and turn to coat dough ball all over. Cover the dough loosely with plastic wrap or a slightly damp tea towel and set bowl in a warm spot. Let dough rise until doubled, about 1 to 1½ hours.

  7. Punch down dough. Divide into two equal parts. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough half out to a 12- x 9-inch rectangle.

  8. Sprinkle half of the remaining cheese and jalapeno slices over the dough.

  9. Starting with the shorter side, roll it up tightly and pressing down while rolling. Pinch the edges and ends to seal. Place dough seam side down in prepared loaf pan. Repeat with remaing dough half.

  10. Cover with a towel and let rise at room temperature until doubled in size, about 45 to 60 minutes.

  11. About 30 minutes into the second rise, pre-heat the oven to 400°F. Once the loaves have doubled, make a slash across the top of the loaves using a sharp knife.

  12. Bake at 400ºF for about 30 minutes until golden brown.

  13. For extra crispy top crust, spray cold water several times while baking.

  14. Remove loaves immediately from pans and cool completely on a cooling rack before slicing.

Recipe Notes

A recipe for cheddar jalapeño bread made with sourdough starter, fresh jalapeño peppers, and grated cheddar cheese. It is great for sandwiches or with soup. - Time does not include rise time.

#TwelveLoaves August: Savory. After a gorgeous month of July stone fruit bread, our August baking mission is taking on a savory side. Think bread with cheeses and spices. Garlic and onion, oh my! What savory mood are you in? Share your favorite savory bread recipe (yeast or quick bread). Let’s get baking!

Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe | Magnolia Days (4)

Want to join the #TwelveLoaves group?It’s easy!

  1. When you post your Twelve Loaves bread on your blog, make sure that you mention the Twelve Loaves challenge in your blog post; this helps us to get more members as well as share everyone’s posts. Please make sure that your bread is inspired by the theme!
  2. Please link your post to the linky tool at the bottom of my blog. It must be a bread baked to the Twelve Loaves theme.
  3. Have your Twelve Loaves bread that you bakedthis August 2013, and posted on your blog by August 31, 2013.

#TwelveLoaves is a monthly bread baking party.It was created by Lora from Cake duch*essandruns so smoothly thanks to the help of the lovely Paula from Vintage Kitchen Notes and Renee from Magnolia Days.


Cheddar Jalapeno Sourdough Bread Recipe | Magnolia Days (2024)
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