Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (2025)

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (1)

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (2)

Bangalore hotel style coconut chutney /Karnataka hotel style chutney is one of the most requested recipes from my readers. In Karnataka, most of the hotels serve this type of coconut chutney for breakfast recipes like idli, vada, dosa, kharabath , shavige bath and even for vegetable palav. It is known as Kayi chutney or tengina kai chutney (coconut chutney) in Kannada. Me being a biggest fan of Karnataka breakfast recipes, love this hotel style chutney and sambar equally. I have tasted this coconut chutney in many restaurants like Adigas, Darshini, SLV, Krishna bhavan, Brahmins coffee bar and in many more small food joints. It a basic, no cook coconut chutney recipe that can be prepared with easily available ingredients.

When my readers asked me to try and share this Karnataka hotel style chutney, I started trying it with various combinations. But I was not satisfied.
Then my School moms group friend Tara shared her coconut chutney recipe along with hotel secrets. She told me to grind the chutney thick and slightly coarse. I followed her recipe and tips. Viola I made Bangalore hotel style coconut chutney successfully at home👌 !! It tasted very close to it. Raksha liked it very much and gave a big thumbs up👍. Whenever I take a parcel of Mysore masala dosa from hotels for Raksha, I used to watch the kitchen activities. I found coconut chutney is ground thick and then they add water to dilute it before serving. They use thick chutney for parcel and thin watery chutney for serving. So I too followed the same technique and I am quiet happy with the results😊.

Today I have shared the coconut chutney recipe with basic ingredients that is used in most of the hotels here. You can alter it based on your liking. Color of this chutney may vary in hotels based on the quantity of coriander leaves to make it bright green or light in color. In some hotels, they add a pinch of sugar too. You can also serve it thick or thin as shown in the pictures.
For brahmin coffee bar chutney, make the same by skipping garlic. To make chutney like Veena stores, Malleshwaram grind all the ingredients except greens ( coriander leaves,curry leaves), skip turmeric powder and add the greens at the end. Grind it coarse. Add water and dilute it. So please change the grinding method and quantity of ingredients as per the hotel you like. However you make it, this chutney tastes great. Ok, lets see how to make this basic Bangalore hotel style coconut chutney recipe with step by step pictures.

Check out my blog’s most popular hotel style vegetable palav recipe too.

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (3)

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (4)

Bangalore Hotel Style Coconut Chutney Recipe - Karnataka Kai chutney for idli, vada, dosa

Cuisine: Karnataka

Category: Chutney Recipes

Serves: Serves 3

Prep time: 5 Minutes

Cook time: 5 Minutes

Total time: 10 Minutes


1 cup - 250ml
  • Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
  • Fried gram dal / Hurikadale / Pottukadalai - 1/4 cup ( you can use 1/2 cup too)
  • Green chilli - 3 nos ( use 5 for spicy taste)
  • Tamarind - Small piece
  • Cumin seeds / Jeera - 1/4 tsp
  • Garlic cloves - 2
  • Curry leaves - 5 leaves
  • Mint leaves - 3 leaves
  • Coriander leaves - a fistful ( 1/4 cup )
  • Turmeric powder – a pinch (to make bright green chutney, optional)
  • Salt - as needed
  • Sugar – a pinch (optional)
  • Water - as needed to grind and mix in chutney
To Temper
  • Cooking oil -1 tsp
  • Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • Urad dal - 1 tsp
  • Red chilli - 1 no (Byadgi chilli)


  1. In a mixie jar, take the grated coconut and other ingredients.
  2. Add the required salt, a pinch of sugar & turmeric powder (optional), little water.
  3. Grind thick and slightly coarse in texture. You can add the coriander leaves at the end and grind coarsely.
  4. Remove in a bowl and temper the chutney.
  5. Take the required chutney in a bowl. Add water to dilute it.
  6. Serve with idli, vada, dosa and kharabath in a round plate like hotels.


  • Take the grated coconut, green chilli, fried gram dal, garlic cloves, tamarind, curry leaves, coriander leaves, mint leaves, a pinch of turmeric powder (for bright green color as shown in the pictures, optional), sugar, salt and little water.

  • Grind everything to a thick, slightly coarse paste. For this, run the mixie for small intervals. Do not grind it continuously. You should be able to see the greens here and there after grinding. Altervatively you can grind all the ingredients except coriander leaves coarsely. Lastly add the green leaves and grind it. You can find specks of greens in the chutney just like hotels.
  • Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (5)
  • Remove the thick chutney in a big bowl. Temper mustard seeds, red chilli in a small kadai. Add to chutney and mix well.. You can serve it as such for thick chutney. For thin watery chutney, take the required amount of chutney in a bowl. Add 1/4 cup or required water to make it thin as you like. Mix well , add salt if needed and serve with idli vada, dosa and kharabath. Tastes great ! Enjoy !
  • PS : Color of the chutney looks white due to bad lighting. Soon I will replace the step by step pictures.
  • Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (6)


  • For variations you can use equal quantity of coconut and gram dal.
  • Do not skip garlic. In most of the hotels garlic is used.
  • If you skip garlic, use a small piece of ginger to get Brahmin cafe taste.
  • A pinch of turmeric powder should be used to get this bright green color.
  • Cumin seeds also give a nice flavor.
  • Adjust the quantity of green leaves as per your taste and color of chutney. In some hotels, they add less to make it white.
  • Do not add more curry leaves and mint leaves. Quantity of coriander should be more.
  • Do not grind too smooth. Taste and flavor varies.

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (7)

Try this yummy, Bangalore hotel style coconut chutney. You will love it !

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (8)

Karnataka Hotel Coconut Chutney Recipe - Bangalore Hotel Style Chutney Recipe (2025)


How long does coconut chutney last in the fridge? ›

The chutney will keep for 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator (see note).

How to know if coconut chutney is spoiled? ›

The best way to tell if opened chutney is bad is to check the smell and appearance. If it has an odd taste, an off odor, or if you see mold on it, throw it out immediately.

How to preserve coconut chutney for long time without fridge? ›

To avoid contact with any moisture, it is a must to clean the jar with paper towel/tissue. Next, take a large canning pot and fill it with boiled water, then place the small chutney jars and boil for 10 minutes. Take them out and keep them aside to cool for a day or so. Then store them in a cool, dry place.

Why does coconut chutney taste bitter? ›

Coconut chutney, if it has herbs such as mint and cilantro, can sometimes taste bitter if you grind it for too long.

How long should you leave homemade chutney before eating? ›

Once made, chutney can be eaten immediately but the flavours improve and develop if it is left to mature for a couple of weeks or even months. Store your unopened jars in a dry and dark cupboard for best results. Once opened, keep your chutney in the fridge and eat within four weeks.

How long does it take for chutney to go bad? ›

When stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, homemade green chutney can typically last for about 1 to 2 weeks. The freshness and taste may gradually diminish over time, but it should remain safe to eat within that period.

Why does coconut chutney go bad? ›

If stored improperly, the chutney will taste disgusting after a while. That is why people tend to add some artificial additives to chutneys to keep them fresh for a long time. You can easily extend the shelf life of chutneys without adding any artificial additives.

How can you tell if homemade chutney is bad? ›

Chutneys - When Things Go Wrong
  1. Shrinkage in the Jar. Whilst in store if your chutney shrinks in the jar this is because a good airtight seal has not been achieved which has allowed the moisture to evaporate. ...
  2. Liquid has Collected on Top of the Chutney.

Why is my coconut chutney grainy? ›

To make coconut chutney using frozen or dried coconut, You should be doing some modifications to the recipe. Desiccated coconut : Dried coconut doesn't have the moisture content to make chutney smooth. Also coconut chutney made with desiccated coconut will be grainy. So you can try making my roasted coconut chutney.

How to preserve coconut chutney for a long time? ›

To store this chutney, fill the ice tray with it and freeze it. Use each cube when required. Don't worry, the taste will be fresh and delicious.

What is the best preservative for chutney? ›

Sodium benzoate is sometimes added to sauces and purees to help preserve the products after the bottle has been opened.

How do you keep chutney for a long time? ›

You do need to put the chutney into jars that have been sterilised (as directed in step 1 of the recipe) and they need to have lids that are vinegar-proof, so that the seal doesn't deteriorate during storage. Also once the chutney has been opened it should be stored in the fridge.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating coconut chutney? ›

If you have a coconut allergy, you may experience symptoms after eating foods that contain coconut. These may include rash and hives, stomach upset, wheezing or coughing, and swelling of the lips, tongue, and face. After exposure to skincare products and shampoos containing coconut, contact dermatitis is more common.

How do you reduce bitterness in chutney? ›

Add more yogurt, coconut milk, or even plain water to mellow out the bitterness and achieve a more balanced flavor. Blend or Process Well: Ensure that you blend or process the chutney thoroughly to achieve a smooth texture. Sometimes, bitter flavors can be concentrated in fibrous or coarse parts of the ingredients.

Can diabetics eat coconut chutney? ›

Yes, they can. But have it in limited quantity for diabetics. For heart and weight loss, this chutney is good. The fresh coconut has saturated fats but most of it is MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) which promote weight loss.

How long does homemade chutney last in the fridge? ›

This chutney is quick to make, can be eaten immediately and will keep for up to a month in the fridge, so it could be made a couple of weeks before Christmas. The Chilli Jam is also an excellent condiment to serve with cold cuts and cheese and can be used straight away.

How long does chutney last in the fridge? ›

After opening: 2 months in the fridge

Whether it's mango, pineapple or another flavor, unopened chutney can stay in your cupboard for up to a year. After the jar has been opened, store the chutney in your fridge for up to two months. Use chutney to top your favorite Indian recipes.

How many days can we store chutney in fridge? ›

After opening condiments, you can refrigerate them for the following times: ketchup, cocktail or chili sauce 6 months. chutney, 1 to 2 months. horseradish, 3 to 4 months.

Can coconut chutney be refrigerated? ›

However it keeps good for two days if stored in a air tight steel or glass container. A fresh hot seasoning to the refrigerated chutney brings back all the freshness. If you plan to refrigerate it then just blend coconut, salt, cumin, green chilies & ginger with some water. You can also use mint & coriander leaves.

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