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Prepare. Grow. Transform. > Insurance > Registered Customer Service Rep. Designation (4-40 License)
Registered Customer Service Representative Designation (4-40 License)
In partnership with Florida Insurance University & Dr. Michael Birzon
Study at home and get your license. Student Exempt from State License Exam for the 4-40 License!
This course is a distance learning course.
This 40-hour pre-licensing qualification course is approved by the Florida Department of Insurance for those who wish to obtain the State of Florida 4-40 Customer Representative License. This course entitles the student to obtain a license without taking a state examination.
Distance Learning (Individual and organizational groups)
This course is completed remotely at your own pace! Workbook practice tests are open book and an instructor is available 7 days a week. Students will receive an E-book containing assignments and tests. Complete each test and return the answer sheets for grading by email. Test results are returned by email. The final, end-of-course test will qualify the student for the 4-40 license.
Fee: $299 (Testing materials included)
The Florida General Lines Agent and Customer Representative Study Manual not included.
The Florida General Lines Agent and Customer Representative Study Manual is the required textbook for the course and can be obtained from the Florida Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA) at their website or by calling (850) 893-4155. Cost $40 + tax and shipping.
For registration please contact Michael Birzon at email for the registration form or call(407) 927-1235for registration.
Michael R. Birzon holds a B. A. from Florida Atlantic University and a Juris Doctor from North Carolina Central University School of Law, Durham, North Carolina. Dr. Birzon has been a trial attorney since 1975, and has represented clients at the trial level, as well as in the appellate courts, setting verdict award records for personal injury damages. Professional Organizations have included the American Bar Association, American Trial Lawyers Association and North Carolina Bar Association. Dr. Birzon is certified by ASI to teach nine areas of insurance law for Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education. Dr. Birzon holds the Area Chair-Law with the University of Phoenix and has co-authored curriculum for UOP. Insurance classes conducted have included corporate training for AIG, Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., Protegrity Services, AmComp Assurance, RiskCo, CNA and many others. Dr. Birzon is the author of the curriculum and training material used in all of the pre-licensing and continuing education courses offered by the University of Central Florida. In addition, Dr. Birzon wrote the curriculum for the Law School Admissions Test training course for the University of Central Florida. Dr. Birzon was the Continuing Education Coordinator for Seminole Community College responsible for the insurance, real estate and pre-licensing courses offered at SCC.
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