Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Tuesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on CW.
Advertised for tonight: It’s the “Roadblock” special broadcasting live from Madison Square Garden in New York, New York, and it’s a stacked card.
Women’s Champion Giulia takes on Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer in a winner take all match, Oba Femi defends the NXT championship against TNA’s Moose, The Hardy Boyz are back to battle Fraxiom for the TNA tag team titles, Je’Von Evans vs. Ethan Page in a Street Fight, Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez, and more!
Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on CW. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here.
Enjoy the show!
I’m hot and when I’m not, I’m cold as ice. Get out my way, just step aside, or pay the price. What I want, I take. What I don’t, I break, and I want to liveblog this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.
The show opens with the usual montage of talent arriving at the arena.
Fraxiom (Axiom & Nathan Frazer) vs. Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt Hardy) (c) (TNA World Tag Team Championship)
Axiom and Matt to start, circling, Hardy grabs a wristlock, Axiom reverses to a cravate, shifts to a waistlock, backed into the corner and his Broken Brilliance breaks dirty with a back elbow! Into his home corner for repeated smashes into the turnbuckles, pull-up powerbomb and a tag to Jeff.
Catapult into the ropes followed by a leg drop, cover for two. Axiom gets away, tag to Frazer, working together they get the Hardyz on the floor and Nathan dives on them, followed by a dive from Axiom and then a tope con giro from Frazer! Axiom calls his shot, Orihara moonsault for his second dive and we go to break!
Back from commercial, tags to Axiom and Jeff and they turn the speed up! Manhattan Drop to the double leg drop to the basement dropkick, Frazer gets passed to the floor, elbow drop countered into an armbar but Hardy counters with a schoolboy pin and follows it with a sitout gourdbuster… NATHAN FRAZER BREAKS IT UP!
Frazer passes Matt to the floor, back and forth, he’s isolated, Twist of Fate combination for a nearfall! Kicks to stagger the champs, tag to Nathan, Axiom up top with Brother Nero, avalanche Spanish Fly and Frazer comes off the top with a Phoenix Splash… MATT BREAKS IT UP! Jeff with a Twist of Fate, Frazer kicks out!
Nathan pulling himself up, enzuigiri connects, up top, Axiom tags in and Hardy tags Frazer with a boot! Axiom dives in, block the Twist of Fate, backslide for two and a big rising knee! Tag to Nathan, Jeff pulls him into the way and Axiom accidentally dropkicks his own partner!
Twist of Fate takes Axiom out, Jeff off the top…
Hardy Boyz win by pinfall with the Swanton Bomb from Jeff Hardy on Nathan Frazer, retaining the TNA World Tag Team Championship.
Backstage, Mickie James is chatting with Jaida Parker about going out and making your own opportunity.
She tells her go out and take and make zero apologies and says she belongs at the top with Stephanie and Giulia and it’s Stand and Deliver season. Jaida thanks her and says she’s locked in.
Roxanne Perez makes her entrance to send us to break.
Back from commercial, Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo is lamenting to the rest of the D’Angelo Family that he let his temper get to him and that cost Tony D’Angelo wth NXT North American Championship.
Tony rolls up and says he’s right and as Underboss he should do better, and Stacks says he went and got a trios match for the three of them next week, but Tony is upset that he’s not involved and his back is fine. But okay, he wants to do this, he’ll sign off on it.
Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez
Perez runs away at the bell and tries to catch Grace on her return to the ring but just gets her ears boxed! Inverted tilt-a-whirl slam into Lou Thesz Press punches, and Roxanne runs for the ropes! Jordynne lights her up and hip checks her to the floor, off the ropes, wrecking ball dropkick countered and Perez snaps her to the floor!
Grace comes up clutching her knee and Roxanne goes to work, posting her foot in the pit of her knee and falling back almost like a Sole Food! Jordynne back inside, mounted punches from Roxanne, side Russian legsweep, cover for one! Wrenching Jordynne’s knee in the turnbuckles, stomping away, Perez in control and we go to break!
Back from commercial, trading shots, scoop and a slam from Grace! Taking Perez into the corner, setting her up top, she counters with a diving crossbody but Jordynne rolls through and lifts her right back up! Roxanne with right hands, Grace slaps her still, fireman’s carry, she slips out!
Throwing kicks, chop block, Perez off the top, diving splash for two! Grace goes for a Doctor Bomb, countered, Pop Rox blocked, backslide for two! Uraken into a California Roll, pumphandle…
Jordynne Grace wins by pinfall with the Juggernaut Driver.
We see Oba Femi walking backstage and he runs into the Undertaker.
Taker says he’s been watching and he’s impressed, and he doesn’t need to tell him how important his match is tonight, so he’ll tell him to go defend his yard.
They fist bump and we go to break.
Back from commercial we get a promo from Trick Williams about how he’s gonna beat Eddy Thorpe in NXT Underground.
Moose vs. Oba Femi (c) (NXT Championship)
Collar and elbow, struggling to the ropes, Moose with chops, Femi blocks and turns him around in the corner and chops his soul out! Shoulder blocks in the corner, off the ropes, shoulder block but Moose kips up! He sends Oba to the floor, lands a boot and follows after. Femi with a big Rock Bottom into the apron, the X-Division Champion is hurting and we go to break!
Back from commercial, Moose with a rear chinlock, Femi breaks it in the corner and tosses him with a release powerbomb! Another big release powerbomb, out to the floor and Moose puts him into the stairs! Back inside, he blasts Oba with a big boot, step up, springboard, Femi takes him down with an uppercut!
Up top, jockeying for position, Moose connects with a superplex and Oba rolls through into a suplex of his own on the mat! Throwing elbows, lariats, Moose connects with a pump kick but Femi doesn’t go down! HE TURNS MOOSE INSIDE OUT WITH A LARIAT! OBA THROWS MOOSE OVER THE ROPES AND TO THE FLOOR! MOOSE BEATS THE COUNT!
Action to the floor and Moose slams Oba through the announce desk! He takes Femi back inside and hits the spear… SO CLOSE! Oba gets him with his last gasp of effort…
Oba Femi wins by pinfall with a powerbomb, retaining the NXT Championship.
We get an Instagram video of Zaria taking Sol Ruca to one of those places where you can take your agression out by smashing bottles and plates with a hammer and whatnot.
Backstage, Fatal Influence are demanding favors from Ava Raine when Ricky Saints rolls up to observe that everyone around here is angry. They say he doesn’t belong and he goes to Ava and says after Ridge Holland said the same thing he wants a match. She gives it to him for next week.
“All Ego” Ethan Page rolls up to tell him that NXT doesn’t like outsiders and he walks off to make his entrance and we go to break.
“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans (Street Fight)
Heavy brawling from the jump, to the floor, Evans dives on Page and sends him over the barricade! Smashing him into the steps a few times, right hands, All Ego stabilizes and throws a few chairs into the ring! Chairshot, wedging a chair in the corner, Je’Von thrusts a chair into his midsection and wallops him with a few chairshots!
He misdirects Page face-first into the corner chair, tijeras puts him into a set up chair and Evans goes to the floor for some plunder! He gets a table out, leans it in the corner, back inside, trading shots and Je’Von gets a cover for two! Fireman’s carry, All Ego puts him into the corner, cross-arm Iconoclasm connects… SO CLOSE!
And so we go to break.
Back from commercial, back and forth, Ego’s Edge… EVANS KICKS OUT! Je’Von unloading punches on him, to the floor, throwing him over the steel steps, bouncing him off the announce desk and then back inside! Kick through a chair Rob Van Dam style… DIVING ACE CRUSHER OVER THE ROPES AND THROUGH A TABLE TO THE FLOOR!
Another dive and Je’Von bounces over the announce desk, back inside, springboard tornillo… ALL EGO KICKS OUT! Setting a chair up, Page sidesteps the stomp and throws the chair at Evans’ face! He drops the chair, Je’Von counters, horsecollar, springboard Ace Crusher… IT’S OVER!
Je’Von Evans wins by pinfall with a chair-assisted springboard Ace Crusher.
Post-match the K-Mart Retribution guys are back and somebody’s having a lightswitch rave. The system is down, etc.
Anyway, four dorks in skull masks hit the ring and beat Je’Von down before tossing him into what is somehow a quadruple powerbomb even though these four are maybe one third as interesting as the Shield.
On that note, we go to break.
Back from commercial, we get a hype reel for Shawn Spears’ faction, which is apparently called The Culling.
Eddy Thorpe is interviewed in the Okerlund Position.
He says Trick Williams has no idea what he’s getting into and claims that he’s the king of the underground and says Trick doesn’t like getting hit, so what do you think happens with no ropes and no rules?
Williams rushes down and blindsides him and beats him down all the way down to ringside and over the barricade!
We see our main event competitors walking backstage and we go to break.
Giulia (NXT) vs. Stephanie Vaquer (NA) (NXT Women’s Championship / NXT Women’s North American Championship Title-for-Title Match)
Collar and elbow, struggling into the ropes, trading elbows, rolling solebutt from Vaquer, whip reversed, Giulia with a big elbow! Off the ropes, drop down, whip reversed, arm wringer, hammerlock, Stephanie floats over, SBB denied, stalemate! La Casadora, reversed, sunset flip, cover for one and Vaquer grabs a heel hook in the middle of the ring!
Giulia rolls to the ropes, goes up top, missile dropkick connects! Action to the floor, Stephanie in control and we go to break!
Back from commercial, Vaquer clubs Giulia down in the corner, running knees, figure four headscissors and she smashes the Beautiful Madness into the mat over and over and over again! Giulia with a superplex, slow to capitalize! Revolution Michinoku Driver… STEPHANIE KICKS OUT!
Vaquer with a forearm, a dragon screw, underhooks… GIULIA KICKS OUT OF SBB! Spiral Tap, Giulia catches her into a triangle choke and then adjusts her into a Rings of Saturn! Vaquer posts around and gets a foot on the ropes! Victory roll pin for two, Arrivederci connects but she kicks out!
Drawing Vaquer up, shwe floats out of the northern lights bomb, a couple superkicks, underhooks, SBB once, SSB a second time…
Stephanie Vaquer wins by pinfall with SBB, retaining the NXT Women’s North American Championship and becoming your new NXT Women’s Champion.
Vaquer celebrates while confetti rains down.
That’s the show, folks.