School delays, closures announced in eastern Colorado

DENVER — Dozens of schools have announced closures and delays for Tuesday as a strong spring storm impacts Colorado.

Bennett School Dist. 29-J, Elbert School District 200, Cripple Creek Schools, Kiowa C-2, Lewis-Palmer District 38, and Yuma School District 1 are among the school districts closed on Tuesday.

Ellicott School District 22, Miami-Yoder School District 60-JT, and Peyton School District 23JT are among the districts that have announced delays for Tuesday morning.

The 9NEWS Weather Impact Team has issued an Weather Impact Alert for Tuesday.

A Blizzard Warning has been issued east of the Denver metro area. Elbert County and the northeastern plains are under the Blizzard Warning through Tuesday.

A blizzard means limited visibility because of wind. One of the main areas of concern with this storm is on the Palmer Divide and eastern plains, where blizzard conditions are likely to develop in the overnight hours into Tuesday morning.

Highway 86 from Castle Rock to Limon could see major impacts from heavy snow blowing in 40-60 mph winds creating near zero visibility, as well as Interstate 70 from Denver International Airport to the Kansas state line. 

Highway 36, Highway 34 and Interstate 76 to the north are slightly less likely to have blizzard conditions but snow and high wind impacts are still expected.

The snow is forecast to move out of Colorado Tuesday afternoon, but blowing snow could remain highly impactful well into the night. 

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