Wiggins’ usage is up (posting a usage rate of 24.9 percent with the Heat compared to a usage rate …


Andrew Wiggins, Miami Heat

Rumor Hype Rumor visits per day for the last week

March 12, 2025 | 8:35 pm EDT Update

So when the league shut down about a month into adjusting to his new surroundings, the center initially thought, “Damn, what am I going to do with myself?” He hopped onto a plane to Miami, where he and his best friend planned to stay at a local luxury hotel. While they were getting drinks, though, the bartender abruptly declared that she could no longer serve them. “I’m like, ‘I’ve only had one drink. You’re cutting me off already?’” Drummond recalled. “She’s like, ‘No, did you not see?’ They put the news up there [on the TVs] … and everything is closed, starting now.”

Coronavirus, Uncategorized

Coronavirus, Andre Drummond, Philadelphia 76ers

March 12, 2025 | 7:22 pm EDT Update

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