Recycling, a new option for those unwanted books (2024)

Boy the weather is really starting to heat up now. I hope you all are taking some time to slow down so you don’t overheat and drink plenty of water, or maybe some drinks that help replace lost electrolytes (salts) that you have sweated out. Some people don’t mind the heat, especially if you are sitting by a pool or maybe in the shade of an umbrella with a beach breeze blowing in with a good book in hand. Whether you buy or borrow, when it comes to letting go of that book at the end of its useful life with you, let me invite you to think circularly. Reuse, repurpose and read more about our new recycle program before you toss your book in the trash.

Summer days are great for reading.There are so many ways to get reading material. The library has a summer reading program for kids and adults with fun incentives, sign up at any Gaston branch. Libraries are such unique institutions and constantly updating their inventory. But sometimes there isn’t the title you may be looking for, but before you go online, consider shopping at a local bookseller in our community. It would be great fun before your next trip to peruse a local shop and perhaps make it a treat with buying a coffee drink or snack to go along with your new book. Other places to look for great reads include thrift shops and yard sales, and the Friends of the Library always has a great book sale in the spring.

If you have books belonging to you that you no longer want, there are a number of ways to ensure your book makes it to another reader. Clean the book and check to see that the pages are good (no one wants a sticky book or one that has been colored on, and consider what highlights or margin markings you may have made in it). Check that there are no rips, tears, water damage, mold, etc. (If the book is moldy it should go in the trash.)Next, how old or dated is the material?If it is your college textbook, I can almost guarantee that they changed the edition probably within a year of printing. Before you give it away, and if you have the time and space, there may be value in trying to sell the book online. Thriftbooks, Ebay and Amazon are great online options, especially if you have rare editions, books that are out of print, brand new that you never or barely used and have the space to store them while you wait for a buyer. Yard sales are also great times to sell books cheaply.

If you can’t or don’t want to sell it, it’s time to donate.Do you have a friend or neighbor that would enjoy the book? Neighbors with young kids for your children’s books they have outgrown?Is it appropriate to leave them in a little free library? (These are the small house-shaped swapping boxes usually mounted near parks or schools and are a great way to share books in a community).Of course you can donate to the thrift shops, church rummage sales, and the Main Branch of the Gaston County Library will accept your donations as well.

But what if the book is outdated, colored on, torn, stained or rippled from water damage? Do you trash it? No! Our newest recycling program can help. Hardin Recycle/ Convenience Site, which is adjacent to the landfill in Dallas, will now accept hardback and paperback books to be recycled. Do they have to be damaged or outdated to recycle? No, that choice is yours. Never before could we recycle hardback books and now, we can put hardback and paperback together.Mixed paper bins will continue to accept magazines, crossword puzzle books, smaller paperback books, but never a hardcover book. I am so excited about this new offer to our residents. Now we can save this valuable paper resource to be shredded and reused as packaging material for a company in Charlotte. The first load of library discards Carefully selected by Friends of the Library volunteers, over 800 pounds of books are now in recycling instead of landfill.

In the steps we are trying to take towards a circular economy, “refuse” and “rethink” come first.Can you borrow a book and return it to a library so that you will never have to make any of the choices above? If you like using technology, can you listen to your book or read it on a tablet? Once you have brought a book into your home, “reuse” and “repurpose” come before “recycle.”If the book is dated, maybe the pictures are vintage and would make a cool craft or art project, check with schools or local artisans that may make greeting cards or collages.Now instead of the last stop being the landfill, books can go on to be remade into something new.Thanks for helping to close the loop where “recycle” is the end of one thing and the beginning of the next.

As always, thanks for reading and enjoy those summer books. As always, reach out for questions, comments or concerns at or call the Recycle Hotline 704-922-7729.

Becca Hurd is the recycling coordinator for Gaston County.

Recycling, a new option for those unwanted books (2024)


How do I get rid of old books near me? ›

Donation centers

Many local second-hand shops sell deeply discounted books donated by the community. Salvation Army, Savers and Goodwill, for example, all accept books as long as they're in good condition. You can also check local thrift stores to see if they'll let you drop off used books.

What can books be recycled into? ›

Because mixed paper fibers are smaller than cardboard or office paper, this paper is recycled into lesser-quality paper products, such as coffee filters, egg cartons and paper towels. Find a drop-off location for books and magazines near you using the Recycling Locator.

Can I put books in my recycling bin? ›

Old books can be recycled, but putting them in your household recycling can cause problems due to the glue, string and other materials that hold them together, especially hardback books. Recyclers can't do much with books that are glued together, and guillotining the pages apart would be too time-consuming.

How to donate books to the NYC library? ›

For donations of rare books, manuscripts, and other unique material to the Research Libraries, please send an email to

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In this blog:
  1. Reselling books online.
  2. Recycle old books.
  3. Donate to charity shops.
  4. Book swap.
  5. Donate to the local library.
  6. Upcycle books.
  7. Regift books.
  8. Donate old textbooks to schools.
Jan 4, 2024

Where can I get rid of very old books? ›

10 Ways to Reuse Or Recycle Old Books
  • Donate to a local charity. Bring your boxes of used books to your local charity shop. ...
  • Donate to your local library. ...
  • Donate to Better World Books. ...
  • Sell them online. ...
  • Release your books “into the wild”. ...
  • Make a “Free Books” box. ...
  • DIY envelopes. ...
  • DIY gift tags.

Are old books worth anything? ›

Condition is very important and will greatly influence value. A beaten-up old book that is falling apart will have little value. First editions are sought-after by book collectors and a first edition is usually more valuable than a later printing. A first edition signed by the author will have even greater value.

Can you recycle copy books? ›

Some recycle centres do have a drop and swap facility in the centre where you can leave your old used books and possibly swap them for other books. Ink on the paper can be removed by an industrial process and the paper then recycled.

Should I throw away old college textbooks? ›

Recycle Your Old Textbooks

Check out your local scene for recycling centers that take old books. Libraries and community spots are often good places to start. They usually have these nifty bins where you can drop off your old textbooks and send them to become something new and awesome.

Should old books be kept in plastic bags? ›

Avoid wrapping your books in a plastic bag or foil since these materials trap moisture and promote mold and mildew growth. Newspaper should also be avoided, as its acidity can cause chemical reactions within your books' pages.

Can I put books in the green bin? ›

How to recycle books. Books cannot usually be recycled at kerbside along with other paper recycling because of the glue that's used to bind them. However, unwanted books can be recycled at some recycling centres.

What can I use instead of a book bin? ›

Gallon Sized Ziplock Bags:

I always use gallon Ziplocs for take home books but the work great for student classroom books too. Last year I found these decorative bags at Ikea. They were a little bigger than gallon size which was nice. They didn't hold up quite as well, but they were cheap enough to replace as needed.

Does Goodwill NYC accept books? ›

Yes, we accept donations of books that are in good condition.

How to dispose of books in NYC? ›

Softcover books that are no longer usable or repairable may be placed directly into the recycling bin. Hardcover books that are no longer usable or repairable can be recycled only once the hard cover has been removed. The hard cover should be disposed of in the trash.

How do I donate books to prisons in NYC? ›

If your books match our needs, please email a list of your materials, their condition and quantity to We do not accept walk-in donations at any NYPL locations.

Who collects books for free? ›

Just box and sell. Shopiago will collect your second-hand books for free.

How do I donate books to Calabasas library? ›

Book Donation Policy

The Library is accepting donations of new bestselling adult books or children's books in good condition. For special collections, contact Barbara at For children's and YA books, contact Kerrie Mierop at

How to donate books to the library in Los Angeles? ›

If you would like to donate books, please call your local branch library to see if they are able to accept donations at this time. Needed titles will be added to the Library's collections. Other titles will be sold at branch book sales, with the proceeds benefiting the Library.

How do I know what books to get rid of? ›

– Books to Get Rid Of

It's easier to start with books you know you won't read. These can be books you've never read, books you have read but won't read again, or duplicate copies of books. You also don't need to keep outdated reference books – You can find up-to-date information on the Internet!

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.